Frequently Asked Questions

Will the rain adversely affect a service you just provided to my lawn?

No. In fact, we welcome rain after a visit. Most of our products are water-soluble and rain will only enhance the application.

What height should I mow my lawn?

Generally, the best height to mow your lawn is about 3" to 4". Remember to never remove more than a third of the grass blade in any single cutting. Cutting the lawn too short or "scalping" will result in tissue loss, possible disease, and encroachment of weeds.

Do I need to mow my grass before a lawn care service?

For best results, we recommend mowing your grass before we arrive to complete the service.

When should I water, and how much?

The best time to water is in the early morning hours before the sun rises. If you must water during the day, try not to water past 5:00 PM.

Is the lawn safe for my pets?

Your lawn is safe for pets 1-2 hours after application. This will ensure that the treatment has dried and will not be ingested by your pet

How long should I wait after a lawn care service to cut my grass?

You are safe to mow your grass 24 hours after the treatment has been applied, but we recommend waiting a few days.

Why do I have weeds still visible when a service was performed a month ago?

The weeds you see are newly germinated weeds since we have serviced the lawn. Weed seed is in the soil and can remain viable for many years and can germinate at any time. Service calls between regularly scheduled visits may be required in the first few months of Spring. If you have the six-step program, this is available to you at no charge.

What weather conditions are ideal for a lawn care service?

We can apply the treatment in most conditions except excessive wind, and high humidity weather.

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